Wednesday, December 27, 2006


VENA - A Non-Existent Virus.

VENA is conceptually an evolutionary computer virus. It is similar in nature to the fictional G-Virus, first mentioned in Resident Evil 2. The G-Virus is caused by injection or ingestion of the virus and cannot pass infection on to other creatures through physical contact or injury. Instead, they create offspring by orally implanting small, parasitic organisms into a live host through the palm of the hand. The embryo rapidly grows inside its host before bursting from their chest. In similar terms, VENA’s execution cannot cause any harm to a system until it succeeds in creating its offspring. It acts as an “embryo” for the offspring to grow, which is finally the source of threat. VENA can also be thought of as a parasitic virus which needs a host to grow to the point where it can deploy its payload (the offspring). The growth, or evolution, is in terms of the construction of its payload.

Within these definitions, let me define an architecture for VENA. The architecture should contain two important components - the blueprint and the constructor. The blueprint is the actual behavioral description of the payload to be constructed. The constructor is the component that reads the blueprint and constructs an implementation for it. A state of VENA encapsulates the blueprint, the constructor, and the current stage at which the constructor is in its effort to realize the blueprint. VENA is said to reach a critical stage when the constructor is able to construct atleast one implementation of the blueprint. Implementation of this basic architecture requires a method of describing the expected behavior of a payload and a framework that can lead VENA to the critical stage.

The above is an excerpt from the description of what I wish to create...of course for pure purposes of research.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Retro Gaming

This has certainly been my latest craving - playing the games from my kiddy old days. Gaming systems in those days were a lot slower (a couple of MHz) than the ones today, PS3s or the 360s. The best part about it, they can be easily emulated in our personal computers. I found KEGA Fusion while looking for a PC version of Contra, and there it was, the whole arsenal was revealed to me. Mario, PoP, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Road Rash...everything is there for you now. KEGA is great, nice emulation speed and my favorite, the scanlines to make it look retro style. I had no idea that retro gaming has been there for so long.